Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

NI community foundation grant giving falls

The Community Foundation Northern Ireland (CFNI) made grants last year of £3.6 million, down from £5.3 million the previous year, according to its latest accounts.
This reduction in grant giving was despite an increase in income from £7 million to £10 million from 2014 to 2015. Total resources expended in 2015 were £6.2 million, down from £6.9 million the previous year.
Community Foundation Northern Ireland administers a number of major grant programmes on behalf of other funders such as the Big Lottery and Atlantic Philanthropies. Space and Place, for example, is a Lottery funded capital scheme worth £15 million which last year distributed grants worth £3.5 million.
Atlantic Philanthropies has funded CFNI programmes over many years related to peace and human rights and last year provided a grant of over £6.8 million ‘to secure sustainable protection and promotion of human rights by establishing a time bound Northern Ireland Human Rights Fund.’ The contribution to CFNI’s income from this fund last year was just over £4 million.
CFNI distributes income from the EU Peace Programme which amounted to over £2 million in the financial year ending March 2015 as well as a range of smaller grants from a number of endowments and CFNI’s own endowment.
CFNI spent £2.6 million to cover the cost of administering its grant programme and development costs, up from £2.2 million the year before.
The charity’s net funds stood at just over £17 million in 2015.

