Maximising Gift Aid offline and online training course to run again
UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake and Gift Aid consultancy GAIN‘s Barry Gower are to run their one-day training course on maximising Gift Aid again after its successful outing in May.
The course will take place on Friday 21 July 2006 in London at the Friends Meeting House in Euston, London.
In the morning Barry Gower will present an introduction to Gift Aid for individual donors. He will cover issues such as:
* Introduction and Brief overview of Tax Efficient Giving
* Review of different types of Tax Efficient Giving
* What is Gift Aid?
* Why is there Gift Aid?
* The Gift Aid declaration
* Gift Aid processing
* the benefit rules – what can and can’t be Gift Aided.
In the afternoon, Howard Lake will look at how the Web and email can be used to boost income from Gift Aid. He will cover:
* Online donations and who can help you handle them
* Event sponsorship
* Other fundraising activities e.g. eBay
* Using email to promote Gift Aid
Delegates will take away with them GAIN’s Gift Aid Recovery Rate Calculator. By filling this in and returning it to GAIN they will receive a summary evaluation which will indicate how effectively their Gift Aid processes and record-keeping are working. GAIN will also provide feedback on how they are performing relative to the rest of the group, the sector they operate in and the market as a whole.
The one-day course costs just £199 + VAT, and that includes refreshments and a buffet lunch.
Details and booking form are at: