The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Resource Alliance online debate asks have viral campaigns had their day?

Howard Lake | 13 March 2015 | News

Are viral campaigns such as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and No Make-up Selfie had their day? That is the subject of an online debate next week hosted by the Resource Alliance in partnership with UK Fundraising.
The one-hour debate will feature digital fundraising and communications experts who will present their contrasting views. Arguing for the motion will be Sean Triner of Pareto Fundraising in Australia, and arguing against the motion, Kirsty Marrins, of JustGiving in the UK.
UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake will chair the debate which will take place in a Google Hangout at 1pm on Tuesday 17 March 2015.

Fundraising Online 2015

The debate marks the opening of the registration process for Fundraising Online, the free fundraising conference, hosted by the Resource Alliance, which takes place entirely online on 13 and 14 May 2015. Fundraising Online’s content and discussions are designed to help charities of all sizes integrate digital techniques into their fundraising strategies.

Viral selfie campaigns – yesterday’s news?

The Ice Bucket Challenge might have raised £100 million for the ALS Association (plus other funds for other organisations) and the No Make-up Selfie £8 million for Cancer Research UK.
But these remarkable but unusual campaigns have led to many other charities trying to emulate the phenomenon, mostly with limited success. Are charities jumping on a bandwagon, are the campaigns failing because they feel too engineered? Or is their plenty of life left in creative viral fundraising campaigns?


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Join in the debate

Resource Alliance Twitter vote

Use Twitter to vote on the debate.

Viewers can watch the debate live by logging on to the Resource Alliance’s Google+ page. The debate will be recorded so will be available to watch afterwards by visiting the Resource Alliance’s YouTube channel.
They can join in by submitting questions ahead of the debate by tweeting @TheResAlliance with the hashtag #RAdebate.
The voters can also vote for or against the motion by tweeting @TheResAlliance using the hashtags: #RAVoteYes or #RAVoteNo.
Main photo: Ice bucket challenge by wanphen chawarung on

