Barnardos face-to-face reaches 2500

Howard Lake | 19 December 2005 | News

In the year since Barnardos in Ireland began face to face fundraising they have recruited 2500 supporters according to the charity. Their face to face programme asks people to become a Barnardos Childhood Friend.

“It’s a great way for us to find out what parts of Barnardos people have an interest in and also allows them to learn more about Ireland’s leading children’s charity,” according the charity. “We hope that after finding out about all the important work we do, people will choose to become a Childhood Friend of Barnardos by signing up for a regular direct debit,” Barnardos say.

Barnardos say that face to face is also a good way to reach young people and they rate it more highly than direct mail or telephone fundraising.


Barnardos enlists the services of a company called Face to Face Fundraising Ireland who specialise in street fundraising.

