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SMALLfri on Orange Community Futures

Howard Lake | 4 August 2005 | News

SMALLfri, the funding information service for new and small organisations, is once again sharing news of a funding opportunity, this time from mobile telecomms company Orange.

Once again, the mobile phone company Orange is looking to fund projects within the UK that are working to make a difference to people with sensory disabilities. Through the provision of awards, they seek to recognise and reward innovative community projects that use communication to enable people with sensory disabilities to participate more fully in society. The awards are grants of between £2500 and £5000. The scheme focuses on small voluntary organisations and charities.

The emphasis is on innovation, and Orange particularly encourages applications from projects focused around music, film, literature, sport and information technology. Projects should:


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

* Benefit those with sensory disabilities as a priority;
* Use communication to enable people to participate more fully in society;
* Benefit a group of people, not an individual;
* Benefit people in the UK.

Applications are only invited from small voluntary organisations and charities: your income level must not exceed £75,000.

Last year 21 organisations were supported, including:

* British Computer Association of the Blind;
* CTC Scotland;
* Dacorum Talking Newspaper;
* Different Strokes North East;
* Gillingham/Kent Deafblind Club;
* Lincolnshire Federation of Disability Sport;
* Sensory and Physical Support Children¹s Fund;
* Stroud Macular Disease Society.

For full details call the Community Futures information line on 0845 070 0112 or write to:

Community Futures Awards
PO Box 229
West Mailing
ME19 4DR

You can also find the information at

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About Howard Lake
Howard Lake is consultant editor of UK Fundraising. He founded the site in 1994 and successfully sold it in 2022. As director of Giving X Ltd he is exploring growing giving on a massive scale. He is the founder of Fundraising Camp and co-founder of GoodJobs.
