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Action Aid's media work receives an AMEC Award

Howard Lake | 11 November 2004 | News

International development agency Action Aid’s work with media evaluation specialist Romeike has been recognised with a bronze award at the Association of Media Evaluation Companies (AMEC) Communication Effectiveness Awards 2004.

The award, for Best Use of Media Evaluation in the not-for-profit sector, recognised Romeike’s work that has involved producing quarterly reports tracking quantitative and qualitative measures of ActionAid’s media reputation.

Over the past two years, Romeike has helped Action Aid by provoding qualitative insight and commentary on the development of the Action Aid brand and the performance of the charity’s spokespeople. It has also suggested ways in which to improve key message penetration.


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Jane Moyo, head of media relations, said: “Our work with Romeike has helped develop the way we report to management and impacted positively upon the perception of the media team within the organisation. We can now measure and manage our communications output more effectively, ensure core brand messages are reflected in every campaign and establish a unique brand within an extremely competitive environment.”

Edward Bird, Romeike’s Value Added Services Director, said: “In the not-for-profit sector a charity’s brand profile is crucial to raising funds and support. Rigorous analysis of media reputation delivers intelligence charities can use to effectively manage their profile, demonstrate a return for sponsors or supporters and build their communications strategy.”

