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Parenting Fund launched

Howard Lake | 10 May 2004 | News

A man carries his son on his shoulders in a piggyback ride. Both are smiling and looking to their right.
Image: BlackIllustrations.com

The Parenting Fund was launched yesterday: worth at least £15 million over two years, it will be distributed entirely through the voluntary sector.

The Minister for Children, the Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, launched the new Fund at a conference about support for parents.

The Fund incorporates a major grants programme of about £9.5 million; and a local grants programme of about £6 million, both to include strategic and special priority grants.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The major grants, up to a maximum of £350,000, are aimed at supporting larger organisations, and at funding support for families with issues that are currently less well-served. The local grants, up to a maximum of £100,000, are restricted to 18 geographical areas.

The Fund is being administered by the National Family and Parenting Institute which was selected as preferred bidder for Fundholder by the DfES earlier in 2004.

