Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Name the Community Foundation Network's newsletter

Howard Lake | 30 October 2002 | News

The Community Foundation Network is seeking suggestions for the name of its newsletter.

Calling your membership newsletter “The Newsletter” is certainly descriptively accurate, but lacking in creativity. The Community Foundation Network realise they need to come up with a better name, so are asking for suggestions.

The publication is read by community foundations’ staff and trustees together with a wider audience including existing and potential donors and their advisers.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The competition to name the newsletter is open to anyone and you can enter as many times as you wish. The name can have an obvious association with community foundations or it might be more abstract or symbolic.

Entries should be sent to Fran Walker, Information and Publications Officer by 11 November 2002. The entries will be judged by the Community Foundation Network’s president Sir John Weston together with Director Gaynor Humphreys and the communications agency Spada.

The prize is a free place at “Making Waves”, the Community Foundation Network’s conference in September 2003.

