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Grants On-line now charges fees

Howard Lake | 4 January 2002 | News

Grants On-line, the funding information site, is now charging fees for access, making it available to members only.

Grants On-line, the funding information site, is now charging fees for access, making it available to members only. Andreas Lichters of Grants On-line admits “this takes us away from our original mission of providing universal access to grant information” but the improvements they plan “[require] an investment in time and resources that we do not currently possess.”

Voluntary groups and charities qualify for a 50% reduction on the annual £150 fee.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Plans for the site include a redesign and expansion of the Grants Directories to include additional information such as access to online ./guidance notes and application forms.

In November 2001 the site added its A-Z of Grant Making Trusts Directory to its Grants Directories for EU, UK Government and National Lottery Grants.

