Case study collection published to help INGOs seeking alternatives to traditional grant funding

Melanie May | 23 May 2023 | News

An Indian man with dark short hair and a moustache, smilles as he squats to plant crops. By Anil Sharma on Pexels

A collection of case studies has been published to show INGOs how different business models can help provide alternatives to the traditional grant funding model and support locally led development.

Published by Bond, the UK network of INGOs, the collection of case studies aims to help organisations work out how generate their own income and avoid funder restrictions, whilst shifting both income and power to local communities. 

The case studies highlight examples of sustainable income streams that at the same time help build equitable relationships with communities in lower- and middle-income countries.  


The case studies include Restless Development’s consultancy model, Choose Love’s income generation work, and Ripple Effect’s social enterprise led development.

Zoe Abrahamson, Sector Transformation Manager at Bond said:  

“These case studies have been collated to help INGOs understand that business models are not just about organisational financial sustainability, they can also help support strategic objectives and values, and shift power to local communities.”

Stephanie Draper, CEO at Bond added:  

“We hope that these case studies will inspire and inform INGOs to diversify their business models to shift power to local communities so they can generate their own income.”

