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‘One-stop resource’ on fundraising published

Melanie May | 18 May 2023 | News

A close up of an open book. By pixabay on Pexels

New book, The Fundraising Reader, has been published, providing a ‘one-stop body of knowledge’ explaining what fundraising is, and covering key concepts, principles and debates.

The Fundraising Reader contains 88 extracts from writing on fundraising, exploring topics including ‘Is fundraising marketing?’, ‘Should donors or the community be front and centre in fundraising?’, and ‘How can fundraisers deal with ethical dilemmas such as ‘tainted’ donors and money?’.

Best practice and future trends are also covered, including the impact of new technologies and responding to demands for greater diversity, inclusion, and equity in fundraising teams. It also shares conflicting positions relating to age-old and current debates on fundraising.


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The book has been released by Dr Beth Breeze, Director of the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, and colleagues from the University of Chichester and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Aimed at anyone who wants to better understand fundraising, including researchers, educators, and fundraisers, it is edited by Breeze, Donna Day Lafferty, and Pamala Wiepking. Extracts are from a range of experts including Breeze, Ken Burnett, Adrian Sargeant and Jayne George, Claire Routley and Richard Sved, Ian MacQuillin, and Angela Cluff.

The 614 page book is published by Routledge, and is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook.

