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BHF launches EDI strategy

two men shake hands over an office desk. By Fauxels on Pexels

The British Heart Foundation has launched a new equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy, detailing its plans to 2025, and its commitment to ensuring equality and diversity runs through every area of its work.  

The strategy was created in consultation with a wide group of colleagues, including the charity’s Kaleidoscope group, which oversees diversity and inclusion, and engagement with representatives from its medical research community, patients and supporters. 

It focuses on igniting change in three key ways: by creating an environment where everyone who works with the charity can succeed, regardless of their background; speaking out about heart health inequalities to influence change that ensures nobody receives poorer care because of who they are or where they live; and striving for a more representative and inclusive cardiovascular research community, and by being more inclusive in how research funding decisions are made.


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Dr Charmaine Griffiths, the charity’s Chief Executive, said:

The BHF has been tackling inequalities for over six decades but today for the first time we publish our EDI strategy to ignite change, not just for our organisation but for the 7.6 million people living with heart and circulatory diseases across the UK.


“People are at the heart of everything we do, whether that is our staff, volunteers, supporters, patients or researchers, and I’m proud our people are at the heart of our strategy – both in its development and in the vision of the world we want to live in.


“By bringing together our first BHF roadmap for equality, diversity and inclusion, we hope to provide clarity on what we want to achieve, how we will measure progress and how we can hold ourselves and others to account.


“We have built a strong foundation, but we know there is still so much more to do. Now, the real work begins as we turn words on a page into action.”

To accelerate change over the next three years, the strategy sets out seven long-term objectives:

