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Aviva adds extra £150K to Q4 Community Fund round for climate projects

Melanie May | 27 September 2021 | News

seedlings in pots

The final round of the Aviva Community Fund for 2021 is now open, with an extra £150,000 available for projects leading the way on climate action.

The quarterly Aviva Community Fund sees it work with Crowdfunder to distribute £250,000 of funding from Aviva, supported further by donations from the public. This quarter, in addition to the usual £250,000 it donates to community causes across the UK, it will be giving away an extra £150,000 to those leading the way on climate action, by matching each donation up to the value of £50.

This is to mark Aviva aiming to become a Net Zero company by 2040, and COP26 coming up.


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It wants to support projects that are fighting climate change and building stronger, more resilient communities across the UK, and is investing in three key areas:

For a project to be eligible it will need to do at least one of the following:

  1. Help prevent or reduce the impacts of climate change
  2. Help prepare people and places for climate change impact, through education and recovery planning

Applications are open until 5 October.

Aviva made its Community Fund quarterly early last year, offering £250,000 to small charity and community interest group projects each time.

