The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Massive explores how the biggest fundraising events have been affected by Covid-19

United We Trek Event - photo: massive

Research is underway to asses the impact of Covid-19 on the UK’s largest charity fundraising events in 2020. Mass events agency Massive is inviting charities to share their results for its next Massive Top 25 report.

Massive is once again embarking on its Massive Top 25 report, an analysis and celebration of the most successful charity fundraising events and campaigns of the past year.

Its 2019 research reported on “the highest level of fundraising from the UK’s top 25 charity-owned events in five years”. This year’s report will of course be considerably different, given the impact of the pandemic over the past 12 months.


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However, Massive say that this year’s report will be expanded, “focusing on the positives, the successful pivots and new campaigns”. When it is published in July 2021 it will share insight into how people adapted and the lessons all charities can learn from as they look ahead to the return of physical events this year and beyond.

John Tasker, partner at massive, said:

“After a year like no other in 2020, we expect to see a broader range of events and campaigns featured than ever so we’re keen to cast our net wider, speak to more people and get more insight into how events and campaigns adapted in 2020 and are planning for the years ahead.”

Invitation to share results

The agency is once again inviting charities to submit the results of their events and campaigns by filling out a survey by 23 April.

For the last 6 years, they have used the Top 25 to map the industry, understand what is working and make predictions about the future of events, providing a useful benchmark for those working within the charity sector.

Tasker added:

“So if you think that one (or more) of your fundraising events or campaigns could make the Top 25 and you and your team be recognised for your event’s success we want to know about it.”

Past Massive Top 25 reports

