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Charity April Fools’ Day jokes 2020

Howard Lake | 1 April 2020 | News

It’s the cruellest of Aprils for many years, but charities are still keeping our spirits up with April Fools’ Day jokes.

1. Dinosaur Park

Oxford’s Magdalen College is using the lockdown to create its dinosaur park. Model dinosaurs, of course.


2. National Trust squirrels away a treat

Those red squirrels need all the help they can get, it seems.


3. Animal magic

ZSL London Zoo staff must really love 1st April…
It looks like other zoos are on the receiving end of this jollity on this day too:

4. CRM-VR from Beacon

Today is the perfect day for charity CRM specialists Beacon to introduce their unbelievably powerful new tool.

5. A greener Google

This one fooled quite a few people. A very plausible news release appears to show Google and Alphabet deciding to stop “funding climate denial”.
The CEO Sundar Pichai seems to say: “We will stop our funding of organisations that deny or work to block action on climate change, effective immediately”.
There is a pledge and even an apology for its actions in the past.
You’ve guessed it. It is activism on April Fool’s Day. It is a parody site set up by Extinction Rebellion to call on Google to do much more in terms of tackling climate crisis.


6. Not April Fools

The first day of April can be a tricky time to announce an event or a new product. 


7. Past charity April Fools’ Day jokes


8. Watch charity April Fools’ Day 2017




