New book aims to help non-profits stay sustainable, resilient & relevant
Non-profit consultant Graeme Reekie has published Making a Lasting Difference: a book exploring the challenges facing the sector and the capabilities non-profits need to ensure they can fulfil their mission and purpose.
In Making a Lasting Difference, Reekie sets out the main challenges to survival and growth faced by non-profit organisations of all shapes and sizes and provides practical tools they can use to audit their capabilities, identify any shortcomings in their business strategy and work out how to overcome them, ensuring they have strategies around each of these five essential capabilities:
- Involvement – how to generate buy-in from people, communities, staff, board members and partners
- Income generation – how to ensure you take a holistic approach to raising revenue
- Innovation – how to nourish and encourage incremental innovation
- Improvement – do your systems and structures inhibit or encourage improvement?
- Impact measurement – how to monitor, evaluate and measure the difference you are making
The book is available on Amazon, priced £14.99.
Reekie has 30 years of experience in the UK public and voluntary sectors. Based in Scotland, his business Wren and Greyhound specialises in helping non-profit organisations devise long-term strategies and plans for organisational sustainability and success. In 2016 he launched the Lasting Difference toolkit: a guide to sustaining organisations and their impact.