Insight-ful opens benchmarking study into society lotteries
Charity insight agency Insight-ful is inviting charities to take part in its benchmarking study into UK society and charity lotteries, the “largest study” undertaken so far.
The research follows smaller studies in 2017 which helped inform improved retention of lottery players. This year’s study takes this research nationwide.
Jonathan Cook, Director of Insight-ful, explains: “Society lotteries are a really great acquisition tool for charities at the moment and they’re growing year on year – yet there really isn’t any information out there about what results to expect, where to invest, who to recruit and what to do with players to retain them and steward them.
“This study should help charities of all shapes and sizes to plan their investment in their lottery better and see longer retention rates and higher returns.”
Jonathan Cook
The benchmarking research was first announced at the National Association of Hospice Fundraisers and Lotteries Council conferences. Since then, “dozens of charities” have signed up to the study, but Insight-ful is looking for more participants.
What do participants receive?
Organisations which do take part will be invited a free conference in the autumn at which the results will be presented.
In addition they will receive a personalised interactive report with their charity’s data benchmarked against the rest of the sector, as well as support and advice for how to interpret the results for their organisation.
Sample benchmarking report for society lottery
Cook added: “This study should be perfect for any organisation looking seriously to invest in lotteries over the coming years. It will ensure that investments are made where they will have the biggest impact.”
You can sign up to take part at Insight-ful and receive a sample interactive report.
Insight-ful was set up in 2012 to help charities develop insight driven fundraising and communications strategies. Its mantra is “No decision should be made on a hunch”.
Main image: Lottery balls – 3dfoto on