Nisa’s charity delivers £5.16 for every £1 donated, says study
Making a Difference Locally, the charity created by retail store network Nisa, creates social value of £5.16 for every £1 donated to communities served by its stores.
The value of its impact was determined by Kingston Smith Fundraising and Management, which the charity commissioned to investigate its impact.
Making a difference in 2016
Making a Difference Locally has been supporting good causes since 2008 and has donated over £7.5 million to date. Over 2,100 stores are participating in the initiative.
The study covers donations that were made by Making a Difference Locally from January to December 2016.
During that period just under 2,000 donations were made by Nisa’s independent retailers ranging from around £50 up to £7,000. The majority were £500 and below.
Beneficiaries spanned a range of groups from local sports clubs, hospitals and hospices, to schools, food banks and community groups.
Merley’s difibrillator was funded by Making a Difference Locally
The study found that the highest social value created by head from the funding was created for people who participated in local sports activities or accessing local facilities. Projects for children and older people were also found to benefit from higher social value per donation.
People participating in local sports activities or accessing local facilities were found to benefit from the highest social value created per head, and projects for children and older people were also found to benefit from higher social value per donation.
The report found that:
- retailers who are active members of the MADL initiative are “making very significant contributions” to their local communities”
- the social return is “remarkable given the modest resource” that goes into running the MADL operations.
Kate Carroll, Head of Charity for Making a Difference Locally, commented: “The report produced some really valuable insights into the impact of the charity’s support, and we were delighted to discover the extent of the social value created by our members’ donations and also to determine which beneficiaries achieved the greatest benefit from them.”
How Making a Difference Locally works
Money is raised in Nisa stores for MADL when customers purchase items from Nisa’s Heritage own-label range and selected branded products which carry charitable donations from the suppliers.
Stores are then able to donate funds raised to a local good cause of their choice within a 10 mile radius, to ensure money raised by the community stays within the community.