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Charity Fund Peer Group Universe launched by Teknometry & Charity Investors Group

Melanie May | 9 August 2017 | News

Teknometry has announced the launch of the Teknometry CIG Charity Fund Universe, established together with the Charity Investors Group (CIG).
The Teknometry CIG Charity Fund Universe has been created to provide a representative peer group for the analysis of UK charity investment performance, initially in the multi-asset sector. Nine founding participant investment management firms have provided five years of data on their balanced portfolios in order to establish the universe. The five-year history focuses on total net return data with Teknometry planning to expand the analysis in the future to include asset allocation and yield data.
At the 30th June 2017 the Teknometry CIG Charity Universe was comprised of 1,352 portfolios representing over £14.6bn of UK charity fund assets.
According to Teknometry, the average UK charity fund returns for periods ending 30th June 2017 were as follows:

Mick Brant, Teknometry Managing Director said:

“The Teknometry CIG Charity Fund Universe is now the most representative peer group sample of balanced charity investment portfolios in the UK and will provide much-needed insight into the sector. Our aim is to expand the universe in terms of sample size and analysis over the coming months in order to provide further insight. We are grateful to the CIG and the founding participants for supporting this initiative, which has been a year in the making.”


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Kate Rogers, Chair of the Charity Investors Group added:

“I am delighted that Charity Investors Group members have come together to share their investment data. The resulting peer group will be a really useful comparator for charity investors, representing around 15% of all invested UK charitable assets.”



