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Fundraising income holds steady for N Ireland cancer charity

One of Northern Ireland’s biggest cancer charities saw its fundraising income fall slightly in 2016, according to its latest accounts.
Action Cancer had an income in 2016 of £3.8 million, from £4 million the previous year. Despite the fall in income the charity has been able to maintain a fairly consistent level of income over the last 5 years.
Action Cancer’s biggest income source and biggest area of fundraising expenditure is its 18 charity shops which in 2016 generated £1.2 million, just below the figure for 2015. The charity says shops contributed £220,000 to the bottom line.
Donations and legacies were down slightly last year at £2.2 million. This figure includes an in-kind figure worth £364,000 from billboard advertisement agency Clear Channel.
Fundraising costs were up slightly at £1.6 million last year, with the bulk of costs, over £900,000, associated with the retail operation.  This was mainly staff costs.
The accounts note that despite the drop in income the charity maintained its services which required it to dip into its free reserves for over £400,000. However, Action Cancer still has free reserves of £3.5 million, well above its own requirement to maintain reserves equivalent to six months running costs.



