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Macmillan Cancer Support calls for a #NurseEmoji on #InternationalNursesDay

Howard Lake | 12 May 2017 | News

It is International Nurses’ Day today but if you were hoping to show your appreciation for these remarkable public health workers in the time-honoured tradition of posting an emoji, you will be disappointed.
The social media team at Macmillan Cancer Support certainly were. So there are using this day to call publicly for the introduction of a #NurseEmoji so that the charity and its supporters can show appreciation specifically for the Macmillan nurses who provide essential support for people living with cancer every day.
Bernard Muscat, Senior Social Media Officer at Macmillan Cancer Support said: “Here on the Macmillan social media team, we love two things – Our Macmillan nurses and emojis. You can imagine our dismay when we realised we couldn’t celebrate the inspiring work Macmillan nurses do on International Nurse’s Day through our favourite medium.”
They have even come up with some suggestions for what nurse emoji might look like.

These emoji could be used to say thank you to nurses but equally they could be used as part of social media campaigns to fundraise for more nurses, or tell the stories of how nurses have helped people.
Macmillan nurses provide vital emotional, financial, medical and practical support for the growing number of people living with cancer in the UK. Over the past ten years, Macmillan nurses have helped an estimated 4.6 million people with cancer.

Petition for #NurseEmoji

The team have set up a petition on to establish a Nurse Emoji and they are inviting the public to show their support.
Sign our petition and join us on Twitter to call for the #NurseEmoji the world deserves! 



