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Localgiving initiative launches to help North West environmental charities

Melanie May | 21 June 2016 | News

Localgiving has launched an initiative to help grassroots environmental groups across the North West of England improve their digital skills and fundraise online.
Localgiving’s Regional Development Programme aims to give local environmental charities across the North West the skills and confidence to benefit from online fundraising and marketing. 75 grassroots groups will receive free membership to Localgiving and up to £500 each in match funding. 15 local groups have already signed up with another 15 in the process of doing so.
The North West initiative launched on 15th June, funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. and saw Localgiving partner with Manchester social enterprise Sow the City to build a wildlife pond for a local care and respite centre in order to demonstrate the difference that local groups make to their communities.
Joe Burns, coordinator of the North West Programme, said:

“The North West has many areas of outstanding natural beauty that local community groups protect, from the Lakes to the Wirral Peninsula to the Cheshire countryside. Even in our major cities there are green spaces, which bring joy to people and which need our support. This is a fantastic opportunity to fulfil a real need in the North West.”



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