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Lottery in N Ireland opens £60m programme

The Big Lottery Fund in Northern Ireland has announced details of a new funding programme which will be worth up £60 million over five years.
The People and Communities programme will support voluntary, community and social enterprise groups to work with local people to make the changes they want in their communities.
The Big Lottery Fund in Northern Ireland say that, in advance of organisations making applications, they have teams visiting around 20 projects in every area of Northern Ireland to see the work they’re already doing with local people.
Grants of between £30,000 and £500,000 will be available for two to five year projects that work with local people, build on a community’s strengths, and are well connected to other services and activities in the community. The programme will remain open for applications for five years.
People and Communities will support projects that meet the following two programme outcomes:

Projects will also have to embrace the three key themes of the programme:




