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Donate the Hate turns hate comments into donations

Howard Lake | 2 February 2016 | News

Racist and xenophobic comments posted online are generating donations in Germany to support refugee projects and a campaign against right-wing extremism.
Donate the Hate’ makes a donation of one euro for every hateful comment spotted that they or their partners post a response to.
As such they have created what they call “the first ever involuntary online charity initiative”.
“This way,” says the group behind the campaign, “the haters and the trolls are making a donation against their own cause. A bit of a catch-22 for them, probably”.
The funds are donated to Aktion Deutschland Hilft and EXIT-Deutschland.
The campaign even features a leaderboard of involuntary donors – although it does protect their identity by not mentioning their surname.

Who pays the donations?

The donations are paid for by corporate supporters who are listed on the campaign’s website.
Donate the Hate - corporate supporters
Total donations so far stand at €6,031.
The campaign also invites people to spread the message with downloadable images.

Donate the Hate - German, proud, generous

You can spread the campaign with this downloadable image.

Donate the Hate - hating for the right cause

Spreading the word for Donate the Hate

Germany’s Involuntary Walkathon

Donate the Hate has been created by the same group, ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur, that in 2014 created ‘Germany’s involuntary Walkathon’ in the town of Wunsiedel. This turned an annual neo-Nazi demonstration into a fundraising campaign for charities helping refugees and countering extremism.
A similar campaign, TrollAid, has been set up by CalaisAction to raise funds for its work supporting refugees.



