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Extra time to apply for Government flood match-funding

Melanie May | 12 January 2016 | News

Charities now have until 5th February to apply to have the funds they raise to help flood-hit communities matched by the Government.
Applications for match funding can be made by any registered charities currently running a fundraising appeal to help those areas affected by December’s Storm Desmond and Storm Eva.
The Government has pledged to give £2 million in match funding, with an additional £1 million already received by the Cumbria Community Foundation and Community Foundation for Lancashire joint appeal.
In total, the Government has committed £200 million to aiding flood recovery, with new plans to extend this with grants to reimburse fire and rescue authorities whose efforts to protect flooded communities have resulted in excessive costs.
Communities secretary Greg Clark said:

“Charities and community organisations have worked tirelessly to support those affected by the recent floods. That’s why I’m extending the deadline for them to apply for the funds they have raised to be matched pound for pound up to £2 million, giving them the extra time they need to get the information to us. This is a key part of the £200 million package of support we’re offering flood-affected areas, to help households and businesses get back on their feet.”

Information on how to access the match funding is available on the .gov site for both Storm Desmond and Storm Eva.


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