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Cabinet Office launches training for small charities

Melanie May | 8 January 2016 | News

The Small Charities Fundraising Training Programme, funded with an investment of more than £100,000 from the Cabinet Office, is aimed at charities with an annual income of up to £1 million.
The programme will help smaller charities improve their fundraising, and is delivered by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) in partnership with the Small Charities Coalition, and GlobalGiving UK.
Between February and June 2016, the programme will offer training in key fundraising topics including developing fundraising strategies, fundraising from trusts and foundations, developing corporate relationships, and crowdfunding.
Fundraising experts will also offer intensive advice and support sessions to help small charities with their specific fundraising challenges, and will also be matched with fundraisers as long-term mentors.
The Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, said:

“This programme will enable small charities to enhance their fundraising know-how, giving them access to the resources they need. By signing up, they will be better placed to support their communities, increase their revenues and help us build a bigger and stronger society.”

More information is available on the .gov site.


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