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Majority of regular donors feel ‘pressurised’ to increase donations by fundraisers – BBC poll

Howard Lake | 25 September 2015 | News

BBC Broadcasting House. Photo: Ashley Pollak on
BBC Broadcasting House. Photo: Ashley Pollak on

A poll for BBC Radio 4’s PM programme has found that 52% of donors who give regularly to charity by standing order or direct debit say they feel “pressurised” into increasing their donations by fundraisers. Indeed, 18% say they feel under “a lot of pressure”.

The survey results were release on the same day as the publication of the review into fundraising self-regulation chaired by Sir Stuart Etherington, chief executive of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).

The poll was conducted for the PM programme by Populus, who interviewed a random sample of 1,006 British adults aged 18+ by telephone between 11 – 13 September. The results have been weighted to the profile of all adults.


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Poll findings

The poll found that:

• those aged 65 or older are the most generous age group and the most likely (61%) to donate in a planned way.  The average figure for all British adults was 47%.

• slightly more women (50%), compared to 43% of men, said that they give to charity via direct debit or standing order

• 88% of people from a household with a combined annual income of between £69,001 and £76,000 said they give regularly to charity

• people from the South West are the most generous, with 60% of adults saying they donated to charity in a planned way, with Londoners second at 53%.

• 49% of people in the East gave regularly, followed by 47% of Scots and 40% of the Welsh.

Joanna Carr, Editor of BBC Radio 4’s PM, said:

“Since PM first reported on accusations of intrusive fundraising methods we have been inundated with comments from our audience, and we have heard on the programme from a range of voices, from different aspects of the charity world. With the tactics fundraisers use under scrutiny in this new review, we commissioned this poll to give us a better understanding of how much pressure charity-givers actually feel they are under to increase donations”.


