Fundraisers’ salaries ‘static’ over past year

Fundraisers’ salaries have remained “roughly static” over the past 12 months, according to an annual salary survey from charity recruitment sector specialists TPP Appointments.
The fourth annual TPP Charity Fundraising Salary Survey for fundraising professionals is based on information from 416 respondents from May to June 2015 and existing data from 391 records for the period from 2014-15.

Chart showing increases in fundraisers'  salaries in 2014-15.

About the same. Fundraising salaries have mostly stayed static for the past year.

The demand for major donor and corporate fundraisers, prevalent for the past few years, seems to have reduced, in that the volume of these vacancies has dropped and there are more candidates available. Consequently, salaries have not risen as much as in previous years.
Meanwhile, TPP has noted a shortage of candidates in direct marketing and community fundraising, which have in general received lower salaries, so it anticipates an evening out of the gaps in salary between these different fundraising streams.

Growth in fundraising

The report indicates a growth in fundraising activity, with over half of respondents (52%) expecting their fundraising team to grow in size over the next year.
Experienced fundraising directors themselves continue to be in strong demand, with their average 5.7% rise the largest increase in advertised vacancies in the sector over the past year.
Otherwise, it is legacy, major donor and direct marketing fundraisers who earn more on average than other disciplines.

Gender pay gap

The report reveals that the gender pay gap in fundraising is getting worse. Despite the fact that there are more women in the sector than men, overall, women now earn on average 20% less than men.

Gender pay gap in fundraising - TPP Fundraising Salary Survey 2015

Evidence of gender pay gap in charity fundraising.

The gaps in previous years were:
• 2013: 12%
• 2014: 18%
The gap has grown fastest at the senior end of the scale.


Other findings

•  Salaries in London are on average 5% higher
• Biggest decreases at junior levels (Assistant and Executive level)
• 39% of fundraisers surveyed said they would consider changing their job in the next 6 months, and a further 43% said they would if the right opportunity appeared.
•  Flexible working is the most desired benefit, with only 45% of respondents receiving this.
You can download the full salary survey results from TPP Recruitment.

