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Atlantic Philanthropies makes big grant as it nears end of grant giving

As Atlantic Philanthropies winds down its grant giving, the foundation has announced new grants of over £25 million to projects in Northern Ireland.

£25 million will be shared between three areas of work — shared education, dementia care and an early years learning programme. The funding is being matched by £33 million from the Northern Ireland Executive and follows a similar pattern of Atlantic ‘challenge’ grants.

Atlantic Philanthropies is the foundation established by 83-year-old Irish American Chuck Feeney who made his fortune in duty free shopping.  Mr Feeney has pledged to give away his entire fortune of £4 billion in his own lifetime with the final grants being made around the end of this year.


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

Last month, the foundation gave almost £12 million for dementia care and research in the Republic of Ireland, matched by the government.

The foundation has also recently revealed that it has given over £600,000 to organisations to disseminate and evaluate learning from its programmes in Ireland, north and south.

Clear Thinking Communications has been given two grants of £120,000 to evaluate programmes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland while the Centre for Effective Services will spend nearly £400,000 on an implementation conference next year.

