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Fight for Sight raises nearly £30k in BBC Lifeline appeal

Fight for Sight has received nearly £30,000 from a BBC Lifeline appeal presented by TV presenter Judy Finnigan.
The appeal, which aired on BBC One on Sunday 20 April 2014, was watched by a million people. It was repeated on BBC Two four days later. It is the largest amount raised via the appeal slot since February 2011, and money is still coming in.

Judy Finnigan

Judy Finnigan

The 10 minute appeal featured the work of the charity which funds eye research to prevent sight loss and treat eye disease. Finnigan spoke of her experience of sight loss following operations in 2010 to correct a detached retina. Her mother had also lost her sight due to Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). 
Finnegan said that it was fantastic that the appeal had raise such a large amount of money, adding:

“The money raised through the Lifeline appeal will enable Fight for Sight to continue the great research work they do to prevent sight loss and get a step closer to making a future that everyone will be able to see.”

Fight for Sight is currently investing over £8 million into eye research at 35 universities and hospitals across the country.
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The next deadline to apply to be featured on the BBC Lifeline or BBC Radio 4 charity appeals is midnight on Monday 22 September 2014.


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