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DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal raises £90m in three months

The Disasters Emergency Committee’s Philippines Typhoon Appeal, launched in November 2013, has raised £90 million. This is the third highest total for an appeal in the DEC’s 50 year history. It is expected to generate even more as the appeal will remain open until May 2014.
The funds have been used by DEC member agencies and their partners to help over four million people since Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines three months ago today.
DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said: “The support of the UK public through the DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal is hugely appreciated [in the Philippines] and I have seen with my own eyes how it is helping people to not only survive but also to begin to move on with their lives.”

DEC mobile donations page

DEC mobile donations page

More than 14 million people were affected by the typhoon. The “overwhelming majority” have now received some support from government, UN agencies, or local and international organisations. Although many need further emergency support, the priority for DEC members is to begin early recovery activities, such as providing construction kits for homes, and supporting farmers with seeds, fertiliser and tools.
The DEC says that an emergency appeal’s funds are normally spent within two years of an appeal being launched. However, due to the scale of the damage inflicted in the Philippines, funds for this appeal will be used to support survivors over three years.

International emergency appeal results

Emergency appeals following the typhoon were also launched in other countries. Members of the Emergency Appeals Alliance have raised £188 million in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands, as well as the UK.
The UK government has also “been the most generous donor government to date” according to the DEC.
[message_box title=”The Emergency Appeals Alliance” color=”blue”]The EAA brings together organisations of various countries, which launch fundraising appeals following humanitarian disasters: AGIRE in Italy, Aktion Deutschland Hilft in Germany, Consortium 1212 in Belgium, Disasters Emergency Committee in the UK, The Humanitarian Coalition in Canada, Radiohjälpen in Sweden and Swiss Solidarity. In the Netherlands, Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties/Giro 555 is an associated member.
The funds raised in each country are attributed to various partner NGOs which carry out humanitarian projects in the affected areas. Most of the organisations work in close cooperation with the national broadcasting system in order to reduce fundraising costs and increase efficiency of the national appeal.[/message_box]


