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Wishgenie lets people fundraise by buying joint gifts for Christmas

Howard Lake | 13 December 2013 | News

Online giving platform Wishgenie is enabling friends and families to chip in to buy a joint gift at Christmas, and raise funds for their favourite charity or school through ‘crowdgifting’.
Individuals and organisations can create a wish list and invite friends and contacts to buy from it, or they can choose to buy a gift for someone or an organisation and invite contacts to contribute towards the cost.
The site raises funds for charity at no cost to the donor by letting shoppers generate affiliate commissions when shopping online from supermarkets and other stores. It also offers a challenge function through which individuals can collect sponsorship money for charities.
Wishgenie also lets charities recruit and manage volunteers, so highlights the fact that members of the public can donate time as well as money.
Wishgenie says that it “does not charge any fees or take commission from donations or crowdfunding projects” but instead “allows not-for-profits to raise funds from their supporters at no cost to these individuals or the charities, making community giving a sustainable concept”. It generates its income by sharing the affiliate fee earned from the online shopping purchases.

