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FreePostcodeLottery offers to match daily wins with charity donation

Howard Lake | 12 June 2013 | News

FreePostcodeLottery.com, the free daily prize draw site, is to match winnings with an equal donation to the winner's selected charity.

The site, which is funded by advertising, offers a daily prize draw where entrants simply have to enter with their postcode. During July, if your postcode is chose, you will win at least £20 and a matching donation will be made to your charity.

If a draw is unclaimed the prize fund rolls over by £20 per day until it is claimed. The highest jackpot so far has been £200.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

After July, the automatic donations to cahrity will stop, but the site will continue to support charities on an ongoing basis. Users will be given the option to double their winnings if they choose to donate it to their nominated charity instead of collect it for themselves.

Chris Holbrook, the site's founder, said: "Things are going well on the site, with over £12,000 won so far. Last year I doubled the prize fund from £10 to £20 per day and I’ve always planned to add a charity element. If it goes well we will make Charity Month a regular event. If you support or work for a small local charity sign up and nominate them. As everyone has an equal chance of winning.

FreePostcodeLottery.com has attracted over 40,000 entries with over 8,000 users coming back to check the result on a daily basis.

Charities wishing to take part should contact Holbrook directly.

