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DataKind UK’s first DataDive to be held next month

Howard Lake | 6 June 2013 | News

Newly formed DataKind UK has announced that it will hold its first DataDive to help charities with a data problem on the weekend of 26-28 July.

The event, to be held at the Mozilla Foundation offices in central London, will combine volunteer data scientists and three charities who have a well-defined data problem. The volunteers will work with the charity to address and resolve the issue. The selected charities will be announced on 10 June.

DataKind UK is also looking for Data Amabassadors. These volunteers will work with one of the selected charities and help ensure that the two-day event gets the most out of both parties. Data scientists interested in this role should contact DataKind by 7 June.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The details of the event have been posted on Meetup.

