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Weatherman Michael Fish promotes Remember A Charity week

Howard Lake | 17 September 2012 | News

Weatherman Michael Fish is encouraging people to plan for the unexpected by making sure they have a Will. He is supporting Remember A Charity Week (17-23 September) to urge people to think about leaving a gift in their Will to good causes.
His involvement with the campaign marks 25 years since the 1987 storms that caused such havoc in parts of the UK. He is popularly associated with a TV forecast that failed to predict the hurricane, but he disputes that he gave the forecast that night.
Fish said: “What I’ve learned from my years of forecasting is that however prepared you are, the weather can still be unpredictable.”
“Life’s a bit like that too, that’s why we’re encouraging people to make sure they’ve got their Will sorted.”
Fish has been joined by other celebrities including Dame Judi Dench and Jeremy Irons to promote leaving a charitable bequest.
There are many charity events throughout the week promoting the campaign, including in over 3,000 charity shops. In addition, throughout the week, those who have written a Will with Co-operative Legal Services will be able to update it with the addition of a charitable gift for free.

