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Corrie's Sue Nicholls urges pet lovers to 'Gift Aid it' today!

Howard Lake | 4 October 2007 | News

Well-loved soap star, Sue Nicholls, who plays Audrey Roberts in Coronation Street, has teamed up with leading veterinary charity PDSA to launch a new Gift Aid fundraising initiative to help pets in need of vets. Amazingly, Gift Aid doesn’t cost donors a penny as the funds come from cash claimed back from the taxman!
Until recently Gift Aid relief for charities was only available on cash donations. However, PDSA has been among the first charities to spot the potential for all goods donated to charity shops to benefit from Gift Aid.
It couldn’t be easier to help PDSA raise thousands of extra pounds to help sick and injured pets. When items are given to one of PDSA’s 182 shops, the donor signs a Gift Aid form. Those donating goods must be UK tax payers. Once the goods are sold, PDSA gets back in touch with the donor, tells them how much has been raised by selling the items and confirms that the donor is still happy for the charity to benefit from the donation. PDSA then can claim 28 per cent extra from the taxman!
Sue popped into her local PDSA shop, where she regularly donates items, and signed up, and is now urging animal-lovers across the UK to do the same.
Sue says: “It couldn’t be easier to sign up to Gift Aid. I’m always happy to help the wonderful PDSA charity in whatever way I can. PDSA treats many thousands of sick and injured pets every day. All you need to do is bring us your donations, and provided you’re a UK tax payer, you can sign up for Gift Aid straight away.”
Funds raised by PDSA shops help provide free veterinary treatment to the sick and injured pets of people in need. This year PDSA will provide over 1.8 million free treatments.
To take part in the scheme simply donate your goods to your local PDSA shop and sign a Gift Aid declaration form. To find out your nearest shop, please visit www.pdsa.org.uk
Notes to Editors:
2007 marks the 90th Anniversary of PDSA. Founded in 1917 by animal welfare pioneer, Maria Dickin CBE, PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity.
The charity provides free veterinary care for the sick and injured pets of those unable to afford veterinary fees and promotes responsible pet ownership. It works through a UK-wide network of 47 PetAid hospitals and branches and some 345 contracted private practices (PetAid practices).
PDSA PetAid hospitals and branches will this year provide more than 1.8 million free treatments and more than 200,000 preventive treatments, such as vaccinations, neutering and microchipping. In addition, more than 36,000 pets are registered for PDSA-funded veterinary care through PetAid practices.
In 2007 delivery of PDSA PetAid services will cost more than £41 million. The charity is funded entirely by public support, mainly donations, gifts in wills and trading.
To be eligible for PDSA care, a pet owner must be in receipt of either Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit and live within the designated postcode catchment area of their local PDSA PetAid service.
Potential and existing clients can obtain more information on PDSA PetAid services by phoning 0800 731 2502.
PDSA operates 182 charity shops UK-wide and is supported by 4,800 volunteers.
The charity asks that it is referred to by its initials, PDSA, in all editorial rather than by its legal name The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals.
PDSA and PetAid are registered trademarks of PDSA.
For further information, interviews and photography please contact Lisa Nickless or Jenny Davies in the PDSA Press Office on 01952 290 999 or email ni***********@pd**.uk or da**********@pd**.uk.

