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30% of donations are online, says Digital Giving Review 2012

Online fundraising service Give as you Live™ reports that 70% of charities’ donations are received through offline channels, with just 30% coming in online.

The company, in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising, publishes this and other findings as part of the first stage of its Digital Giving Review 2012. The details will be released to delegates this afternoon at the National Fundraising Convention in London.

Source of online donations

Of the 30% of donations generated online:


There were no reported donations generated via Twitter.

Digital communications

The survey found that charities communicate more frequently online than offline.

Of those that communicated quarterly or less frequently:

  • 17% used email
  • 0% used social media

    The biggest barriers?

    The research found that the biggest barriers preventing charities from fundraising successfully online were:

    The Give as you Live 2012 Digital Giving Review includes additional statistics including research findings broken down by size of charity.

    Further research

    The second stage of the Digital Giving Review 2012 will look at digital fundraising trends from donors’ perspectives. Give as you Live is inviting charities to help choose the questions for the donor survey.

    Polly Gowers OBE, founder and CEO of Give as you Live, said: “With online and offline audience the same size, charities need to work on converting online supporter engagement into financial support. There are many ways to do this, including using technology like Give as you Live, which offer charities an easy way to encourage online giving without being a burden on charities’ resources.”

