MyDonate partners with Parent Teacher Associations body for online fundraising

Howard Lake | 25 January 2012 | News

BT’s online giving service MyDonate has partnered with PTA-UK, the national charity for over 13,750 parent teacher associations (PTAs) in the UK, to enable them to take online donations.
PTAs that are registered for Gift Aid with HMRC can also receive the additional 25% in Gift Aid which MyDonate will reclaim on their behalf.
PTAs can use MyDonate to create and promote pages for fundraising events or campaigns, and use sharing tools to advertise these to parents, teachers, family and friends via Facebook, email and other channels.
Supporters can also use the site to create their own fundraising page for an event.
PTAs wishing to participate can do so by logging in to their PTA account and following the MyDonate link on the right-hand side.

