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CAF offers Giving Widget to enable donations on any website

Howard Lake | 27 October 2011 | News

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has created the CAF ‘Giving Widget’ which lets charities and their supporters embed a donation page onto their own website, blog or Facebook page. The white-label widget is available to any charity, and can be used to raise funds through the charity’s website too.
The widget, a short piece of code, can be customised to present the charity’s brand and campaign messages and can be used for both regular and one-off donations. Placing on a website is just a matter of copying and pasting the HTML code.
The widget shows a total income for that instance of use. Companies can use a charity’s widget on their website and show the amount that they have generated.
The CAF Giving Widget allows charities to accept regular and one-off credit/debit card donations and donations via Direct Debit and PayPal. It is available through CAF’s Fundraising Support Service.
Chris Allwood, Innovation Delivery Manager at CAF said: “The widget is all about giving supporters a simple way to donate money to the charities that they care passionately about. Rather than expecting donors to come to a charity’s website, the widget is a way of charities going to where their potential donors are.”
One charity that has tested the new service is the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC). Polly Gilchrist, Donations Manager at the DEC, said; “We are regularly given space on websites for our appeals but while a standard banner helps generate welcome income it does not create an automatic feedback loop for our online supporters and their communities.
“The CAF widget has the potential to create a self-reinforcing virtuous circle with those providing space and their communities getting instant recognition of their support for the DEC.”
Beating Bowel Cancer has also signed up for the new CAF widget, so here is an example of it being embedded on a separate site – ours:–fundraising/charity-fundraising–support.aspx


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