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Blackbaud Europe announces mobile fundraising platform

Howard Lake | 10 October 2011 | News

Blackbaud Europe has created a mobile fundraising platform for UK charities and not-for-profit organisations. Organisations can use Blackbaud Mobile™ to handle text giving, integration with social media, regular giving, supporter integration with two-way interactive text communications, and QR code functionality for offline campaigns.
The platform integrates with The Raiser’s Edge to ensure that these mobile activities become part of an organisation’s fundraising programme and CRM. The platform captures mobile phone numbers and full contact details to ensure the organisation has the information needed for supporter development.
Speaking at today’s Blackbaud European Conference 2011 in London, Mark Grisdale, Blackbaud Europe’s commercial director, said: “So far, mobile fundraising has been the modern equivalent of the collection tin – anonymous with no chance for continued engagement. Blackbaud Mobile is a complete platform that brings mobile to the level of other fundraising channels, making it interactive and productive.”
Blackbaud Mobile provides a range of methods of giving:
• text giving using the dedicated charity five digit short-code 70xxx, with automated Gift Aid recovery.
• lotteries and competitions.
• emergency appeals: campaigns can be set up ‘within minutes’.
• two-way interactive text communications enabling outbound and inbound supporter engagement. These could take the form of news alerts, advocacy, adoption schemes, volunteering opportunities, competitions, campaigning and lobbying via text voting, polls, and petitions.
• integration with digital and social media channels including email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, QR codes, and video.
• events fundraising, including giving individual supportes and organisations a real-time thermometer style ‘totometer’ to show fundraising totals graphically.
The platform includes detailed reporting including the facility to track, monitor and analyse results in real time, with breakdown by tyoe of media and donation.
Robert McAllen, Blackbaud Europe’s European markets product manager, will present the new mobile platform at the Conference later today. He said: “Blackbaud Mobile gives not-for-profits tactical control, reporting and invaluable insight. These organisations can now fully embrace mobile in their fundraising strategies with interactive supporter communications and engagement.”

