ZSL launches appeal to protect Sumatran tiger

Howard Lake | 29 April 2011 | News

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has for the first time launched a public fundraising appeal to help conserve and protect the endangered Suamatran tiger.
The Tiger SOS campaign aims to raise £2 million by 2013, to help protect the tiger, whose numbers have dwindled to just 300. The current edition of the charity’s magazine is dedicated to the campaign.
The charity aims to build a Tiger Conservation Headquarters at ZSL London Zoo, and extend the work of three of its tiger projects in Indonesia to stop poaching and protect tiger habitats. The new project at ZSL London Zoo will cost £3.3 million to build, and the Indonesian projects a further £300,000.
ZSL has already raised £1.6 million, but it now needs to raise another £2 million.
The campaign follows the success of the 2002-2004 Tiger Campaign run by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). This was taken up by the Euro-Asian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Australasian equivalent association. European zoos alone raised over $830,000 during this campaign, and many zoos have continued their efforts.

