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New £1m fund for poetry and literature for young people

Howard Lake | 11 March 2011 | News

Wooden toy dinosaurs on top of a pile of books.
Photo by <"">cottonbro studio on Pexels.

The Clore Duffield Foundation has created a new funding programme worth £1 million over the next five years.

The Clore Poetry and Literature Awards aims to provide children and young people with opportunities to experience literature and poetry in exciting and compelling ways, in and out of school.

The Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy said of the fund: “This is a wonderful initiative which comes with a real sense of freshness and energy, exactly like a new poem!”


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Schools, Further Education colleges, community groups, libraries and literature organisations, and other arts/cultural organisations are eligible to apply for grants of up to £10,000. The £1 million will be spent in two funding rounds each year until 2015.

The first funding round opens for applications from 10 March 2011 and the deadline for submissions is 20 May 2011. The closing date for the second funding round will be 30 September 2011.

Photo: Enokson on

Dame Vivien Duffield said: “It is vital that all children and young people experience the power of literature, poetry and creative writing – they are at the heart of our experience and culture. We have funded so much across the cultural learning sector in the past, but primarily for museums, galleries and the performing arts. I am delighted to be extending our support to the world of literature in this way.”

