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Branding and fundraising can work together (I know, I've seen it!)

Howard Lake | 10 March 2011 | Blogs

I’ve been involved with some interesting twitter debate this week around how valuable or otherwise brands are to fundraisers. Kudos to the following for some great quality discussion (even in only 140 characters):

@tobinaldrich@gillmcl @derekhumphries @markyphillips @MarkFlannCEO and @jeffbrooks

I’ve been inspired to reprise a piece I wrote on ‘elevator pitches’ here on the UKFundraising blog more than two years ago which you can find here.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Perhaps of more value is the follow-up piece (part 2) which highlights how I think charities can make their brands work more effectively for them across all of their varied activities.  It’s a fascinating debate and I’m sure there is still lots to come so please do share any thoughts or ideas you have either here or on the articles themselves.

Kevin is the founder of Bottom Line Ideas, a serial volunteer, a Trustee and today, a defender of branding when it’s done properly!

