Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Association of Fundraising Consultants

Established in 1990 AFC has become a hallmark for best practice within the not-for-profit sector. Its members are accredited to the highest professional standards available within the European Union. Committed to advancing philanthropic endeavour, AFC members also subscribe to a rigorous code of practice. AFC member firms serve clients of every size and purpose within the not-for-profit sector. With a wealth of experience in raising hundreds of millions of pounds, our members represent the most respected and qualified consultants available.
Why Use an AFC Consultant?
AFC is the ‘gold standard’ in fundraising consultancy and is a unique professional association that promotes high standards in consultancy, safeguards the interests of donors, not-for-profit organizations and their beneficiaries, and ensures the interests and opinions of consultancies are taken into account by government departments, regulatory bodies and other relevant organisations in the not-for-profit sphere.
With our strong emphasis on ethics and standards, the AFC insists on high membership criteria. We attract experienced firms and consultants who understand the essential benefits of putting the interests of others first. In most cases, consultants will have worked with a wide range of client organizations, nationally and internationally, and therefore offers a wide pool of experience.
Some of our AFC Members include:
Action Planning
Charity Fundraising Ltd
Compton Fundraising Consultants Ltd
Craigmyle and Company Limited
Grenzebach Glier and Associates
Jane Kaufmann Associates
Marion Allford Associates
Stefan Lipa Consultancy Ltd
UCS Consultants Ltd
Why Join AFC?
The first act of the AFC in 1991 was to adopt a Code of Practice that would distinguish its members from those operating at the margin of respectability. AFC member companies also belong to the Institute of Fundraising and therefore adhere to the fundraisers’ code of practice. The AFC Code of Practice complements the Institute code as it covers issues of business ethics as well as of fundraising ethics. AFC has set out to be the body to which all the best and most reputable fundraising consultancies belong, so that not-for-profit organisations can safely hire any of its members.
There is undoubtedly a marketing benefit to members of AFC; it is natural for organisations seeking consultancy advice to gravitate to the members of an organisation that takes a clear and unequivocal stand on ethical questions; member firms have their own page on the AFC website; are featured on a rotating basis on the front page and there is are opportunities for a banner headline or subscription to listings in printed publications. Participation in the advertising programme is felt to be a cost-effective way of highlighting the ethical standing of all AFC members, encouraging visits to the website, attracting enquiries and promoting subscribing members’ names and firms.
Amongst AFC members, one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Association is the professional friendships that are formed. Opportunities are provided for consultants to network and socialise, and there is a collegial willingness to share experiences and to discuss important issues. Members benefit from the resulting continual professional development, and AFC clients benefit from the high standards of professionalism derived from this mutual support.
If you are interested in becoming a member of AFC or if you are searching for a fundraising consultant to advise with your fundraising initiative, please contact us using the details above or visit our website:

