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Everyclick launches desktop shopping app

Howard Lake | 6 December 2010 | News

Desktop shopping app from Give As You Live

Online fundraising service Everyclick have launched Give As You Live, a desktop app that helps individuals maximise the amount they raise for charity when shopping online.
The free download, once installed, helps guide consumers to online retailers where a percentage of what they spend will be donated to their favourite charity. So, if you are searching sites like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Amazon, the app will display either identical or very similar products that are able to raise funds for your cause, together with the percentage of the product’s price that will be donated.
Alternatively, when you visit a participating store’s website directly, such as by typing in the web address, a “more discreet version” of the app will appear for 10 seconds, and ask you if you want to earn funds for your chosen cause. The app also lets you track the funds raised by each purchase you make.
Everyclick have partnered with over 1,000 retailers with 15 million products.
The app is initially available for Internet Explorer but Everyclick say that they are working on versions for Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

