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Help us build Wikifund – ‘interns’ wanted!

Illustration of woman holding money in both hands, a calculator and stamp on her desk.

Wikifund like Wikipedia is a free resource, packed with knowledge about fundraising. In this case written by fundraisers for fundraisers and as it expands into new areas we need to bring in both the experts who know how fundraising works from years of experience and those who are right now creating the newest edgy activities, whether this is online, offline or erasing any kind of line.
I’m looking for virtual interns who will work with me to publicise and help build Wikifund. The more it is mentioned, talked about, posted and pasted the more people will use it, add to it and amend it. If you know great fundraisers – especially those just producing the goods not necessarily well know or published – ask them to contribute. If you see an interesting article, suggest the author puts it on Wikifund. If you meet someone with an interesting concept – let’s get it up there, especially if it is particular to a certain country.
And don’t forget the links – in text they should be to other parts of Wikifund (help us connect up the sections) but at the foot of the page they can lead back to the writer, their company or other relevant material.
Like any wiki, you can just contribute without signing in (it has a great help section and we use the same software as Wikipedia), but if you would like us to know who you are do ask me for a user name and password.
Let me know if you would like to help and any suggestions you may have.
John Baguley

