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BBC Children in Need makes grants of £9.3 million

Howard Lake | 21 February 2010 | News

Pudsey Bear, BBC Children in Need's mascot
Here’s Pudsey!

BBC Children in Need has announced £9,340,740 in grants to projects across the UK today designed to help make a positive difference to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people.
This is the first of four grant rounds for 2010. The 2009 BBC Children in Need appeal raised over £20.3 million, and the sum is still rising as money donations come in.
BBC Children in Need’s eight assessment committees have been considering thousands of applications since November. Their recommendations are passed on to the Trustees of the charity.
The average amount awarded to a project in this grant round is £37,362. The smallest grant was £500 and the largest £379,850. BBC Children in Need’s staff have found that “significant and valuable work” can be achieved with a small grant (£10,000 or less p.a. for a maximum of three years).

