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New grants aim to get more disabled people volunteering

Howard Lake | 17 November 2009 | News

Applications are now open for grants designed to help organisations enable more disabled people to volunteer. Grants of between £250 and £5,000, are available to help overcome barriers that stop disabled people volunteering, such as specific equipment, a lack of suitable access and understanding of disability issues.

These grants are part of the £2 million ‘Access to Volunteering Fund’, which was developed by the Office of the Third Sector as a pilot scheme in Greater London, the West Midlands and the North West.

The fund operates between Autumn 2009 and Spring 2011 over five grant rounds. The first deadline for applications is 1 December 2009. However, organisations unable to submit an application by this date will have their applications considered in future grant rounds.


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In addition to supporting disabled volunteers, the pilot will test different ways to apply for funds such as video applications and face-to-face pitches.

The grant fund is being managed by a consortium comprising Charities Aid Foundation, RNIB and Digital Public.

Angela Smith, Minister for the Third Sector, said: “Volunteering is an unbeatable way to build confidence and skills and we want to get as many people as possible volunteering with or without a disability. We know that there are many barriers stopping disabled people volunteering and this targeted fund aims to overcome these limits.”

