Ploink! to launch online social giving site
Next month sees the launch of Ploink!, an online social donation site which aims to offer “a bit of a cross with… Facebook, Twitter and the traditional collection box”.
Ploink!’s founders say that it will allow the donor to choose which charity they wish to support, how much they wish to give, and how often. In return they get to follow their chosen charities’ activities online and those of their friends.
After setting up their Ploink! account, donors can choose to donate anything from 1 penny to £2 per charity. This focus on small change explains the company’s use of piggy bank imagery.
Registered users can also nominate a ‘charity of the month’ which all of their Ploink! community will be able to see and in turn vote for.
Ploink! does not charge a set up or monthly fee but does collect 10% from the total donations received each month. The site also handles Gift Aid collection and reporting on donations.