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DEC appeals raise £24m in past year

The three appeals by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) over the past 12 months have raised over £24 million.

The figure is revealed in the DEC’s annual report, together with the impact that the donations have helped achieve in Myanmar, the Democractic Republic of Congo, and Gaza.

For example, despite the difficulties of reaching people in Myanmar affected by Cyclone Nargis, member agencies of the DEC have helped over 326,000 households.


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Brendan Gormley, Chief Executive of the Disasters Emergency Committee, said: “Appeals are just the beginning. Our [13] Member Agencies provide much needed immediate assistance but they also work to rebuild lives. We are all focused on providing quality humanitarian assistance, thereby ensuring the public’s donations meet the most critical needs and enable those affected to take control of their lives.”

The Disasters Emergency Committee brings together the leading UK aid agencies to raise money at times of humanitarian crisis in poorer countries. It has run 58 appeals over the last 45 years and raised approximately £1 billion.

